Signs and Symptoms of a Cocaine Overdose

In addition to physical withdrawal symptoms, you can experience mood swings, heart attack, seizure, and organ failure. These signs and symptoms of a cocaine overdose may seem difficult to recognize in yourself or a loved one. To help you determine the extent of your cocaine addiction, keep in mind that cocaine is not regulated and the amount of cocaine you require to experience an overdose varies from person to person and risk factors for an overdose are also a factor.

Mood swings are a sign of addiction

One of the symptoms of cocaine addiction is mood swings. These changes occur frequently. Mood swings are a common reaction of cocaine overdose symptoms, especially in people who don’t usually exhibit such dramatic mood swings. Mood swings can range from sadness and fatigue to hostility and anger. Mood swings can also cause people to lose their appetite, develop dark circles under their eyes, and have trouble concentrating.

While mood swings are often triggered by external events, they’re also a distinct condition in themselves. These are sudden, volatile changes in mood without an identifiable cause. When assessing a person’s condition, they’ll also look for other possible disorders, such as drug or alcohol abuse. Other conditions that can cause frequent mood swings include anxiety, depression, or pregnancy. Some patients also suffer from hormonal changes, which can cause mood swings during the monthly cycle. Learn more what effect does cocaine have on the nose?

Signs and Symptoms of a Cocaine Overdose

Heart attack, stroke, or seizure

Although there are no drugs to reverse a cocaine overdose, doctors can perform CPR to stabilize the patient and prevent any severe consequences. The most vulnerable organs are the heart, lungs, and brain. To determine whether a patient is experiencing a heart attack, stroke, or seizure after a cocaine overdose, emergency medical staff may order chest X-rays, electrocardiograms, and CT scans.

Cardiovascular damage from cocaine use includes increased blood pressure and thickened heart muscle walls. These are common symptoms of heart attacks, and one study found that 25 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 45 had a heart attack within an hour of cocaine use. This risk increases 23 times if alcohol is also used. Cocaine can also increase the risk of a heart attack if it is combined with other drugs, such as Viagra.

X-rays may not show signs of cocaine use in the early stages of cocaine use. However, an abdominal x-ray and chest MRI can detect symptoms of pneumonia and pulmonary edema. If a chest x-ray shows no signs of cocaine use, a contrast-enhanced study or a CT scan of the head may be needed. The CT scan may also show other underlying pathology. Lastly, an ECG is recommended if the patient is experiencing chest pain, dyspnea, or an irregular pulse.

Signs and Symptoms of a Cocaine Overdose

Failure of organs

A cocaine overdose is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when the body cannot tolerate the drugs. Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant that raises blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature. It also affects mood and mental functioning. The effects of a cocaine overdose may be permanent or transient, and can include seizures, heart attacks, and blood vessel tearing in the brain.

Renal failure can occur following chronic cocaine abuse. Renal failure is accelerated with reduced blood flow and a resultant increase in blood pressure. Lack of oxygen and nutrients can damage multiple organ systems. As a result, the skeletal muscle begins to die, and its toxins flood the kidneys and liver. While there are currently no clinical signs of kidney failure, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Symptoms of a cocaine overdose

If you suspect that someone has taken too much cocaine, the first thing you should do is call 911. Attempting to save their life is imperative, and immediate medical attention increases the chances of survival. However, this is not always possible. After all, even if they are unconscious and delirious, they can still be very dangerous. The best way to help them is to provide support and a cold compress.

Benzodiazepines are effective anti-anxiety drugs that can effectively manage the psychological signs of a cocaine overdose. Non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers are an alternative to dihydropyridine. These medications work by lowering blood pressure. However, they may cause tachycardia or reflex tachycardia. Antipsychotic drugs such as haloperidol are also useful in the treatment of hallucinations and delirium.
